
The Little Bookworm

Recommended Books for children ~ past and present

Monday, September 24, 2007

When Reading Is.....frustrating

These days, we all know that kids start to learn basic reading in kindergarten. My daughter had a word ring which helped her to memorize basic words like "the", "and" and "was". So I thought we were set. Well, she just started first grade and the expectations for reading have gone up quite a bit!

Yes, first grade is definitely a whole new ball game. My daughter has to read 10 minutes per day and fill in a reading log-- which doesn't sound like much, but it's a lot for a young reader. She will get frustrated and guess at the words and sometimes looks at the pictures to try to "figure out" what the word should be.

A few weeks ago we went to the library and checked out a bunch of books with the little yellow Easy Reader stickers on them-- books like "Bears on Wheels" by Stan and Jan Berenstain and some basic Eric Carle books. But she would still do the guessing bit and sometimes groan if a word was too long.

I recently pulled out an old favorite of mine, a book called "'Ann Likes Red" by Dorothy Seymour. Back in the mid 1960's, Ms. Seymour wrote a series of books with a phonetic system of repetitive words for beginning readers (two other favorites are "Ballerina Bess" and Big beds and Little Beds"). "Ann Likes Red" consists of only 16 words, used repeatedly throughout the story. The beginning reader begins to recognize the word after sounding them out one or two times.

My daughter breezed through 'Ann Likes Red", pausing only to sound out the word "sandals" one time. Her confidence level went way up when she realized she had read an entire book by herself!

If your child has just started kindergarten or first grade, you may find yourself dealing with some frustration as he or she begins to make their way through reading. I would encourage reading every day, even if it's not part of their assigned homework. Reading, as with anything, requires patience and practice. Before long the frustration will diminish and your child may actually enjoy reading!

Here are some suggestions for some beginning reader books:

Ann Likes Red- by Dorothy Seymour
Ballerina Bess- by Dorothy Seymour
The Cat in the Hat- by Dr. Seuss
Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss
Bears in the Night- Stan and Jan Berenstain
Hello Biscuit- by Alyssa Satin Capucilli
Scat, Cats- by Joan Holub
Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See- by Eric Carle
Danny and the Dinosaur- By Syd Hoff